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토익스피킹 파트 4, 5 정리

by Point-Nemo 2024. 12. 18.

Part 4 질문에 답하기

Q8, Q9, Q10 출제

표 읽는 시간 45초, 답변 준비시간 문항당 각 3초



발음, 억양, 강세, 문법, 어휘, 일관성, 문제와의 관련성, 내용의 적절성과 완성도


Q8, Q9 - 준비시간 3초, 답변시간 15초

Q10 - 청취 횟수 2회, 준비시간 3초, 답변시간 30초


최다 빈출 표 유형

1. 일정표

2. 개인 일정표

3. 이력서

4. 면접 일정표

5. 수업 시간표

-> 유형별로 자주 묻는 질문과 답변들을 미리 준비해가면 고득점이 가능하다.


전치사 사용


(1) 시간을 나타내는 전치사

On + 날짜/요일(콕 집을 수 있는)

At + 시각

In + 년도


(2) 장소를 나타내는 전치사

At + 특정 장소

In + 실내(장소/도시/나라)


문제풀이(1) - 일정표


45초 준비 시간 동안 키워드 파악 


Q8) When and where will the seminar take place?

A) The seminar will be held on June 20th at Hilton Hotel


Q9) The registration and coffee session starts at 8:30 am, is that true?

A) No, actually, the registration and coffee session will start at 9:00 am.


못 들었을 경우) 키워드를 잡아서 그 줄이라도 읽자

A) At 9:00 am, there is registration and cofffee by kelsey O'Connel


Q10) Marketing is very important when it comes to running a business related to sports equipment. I know that several topics related to marketing will be discussed at the seminar. Can you tell me about them? (키워드는 Marketing)


A) There are two sessions. First, at 1 pm, there is a workshop on social media marketing by Ray Kingston. Next(Second), at 2:30 pm there is a discussion on appealing to sports fans through marketing by Kevin Delmont.


템플릿 익히기

It will be held + 시간/장소

It will start at + 시각

It will finish at + 시각

No, I'm afraid that you have the wrong information(유감스럽게도 잘못 알고 계십니다) + actually + 맞는 정보

No, actually + 맞는 정보

There are __ sessions. First, Next, Finally, there is 일정 on 주제 by 사람



문제풀이(2) - 개인 일정표


Q8) When will I depart from San Francisco and which flight am I taking?

A) You will depart from San Francisco at 10 am on American Air 105 (개인 일정표이기에 You로 시작함)


Q9) I think I'm supposed to have a meeting with Jane White, the regional director. Can you confirm that?

A) No, actually, the meeting with Jane white has been canceled

A-1) No, actually, there was supposed to be a meeting with Jane White at 2p.m on Tuesday but it has been calceled

(~가 있기로 되어있었다)


Q9-1) I have a friend who lives in Chicago and I want to meet him on Monday around 6 pm. Would that be possible?

A) No, actually, you will have a dinner meeting with Harry Tibbot, the(직책 앞) sales manager at 6 pm. So, it's not possible.


Q10) Can you tell me all the details of the schedule on Tuesday morning?

A) Yes, First at 9 am, there is International Marketing Expo. Next, at 11 am, there is an e-marketing conference.


탬플릿 익히기

You will depart from 출발지

You will arrive in 장소

You will have lunch/dinner 

You will have a meeting.


There was supposed to be 일정, but it has been canceled (취소/연기 일정)

~가 있기로 되어있었다. 하지만 취소되었다.



문제풀이(3) - 이력서


Q8) What's Ms. Matten's latest degree? (Bachelor's degree -> 학사, Master's degree -> 석사 학위)

A) She got a Master's degree in Design from Vancouver Art Institue in 2010.


in 전공 from 학교 in 년도


Q9) We will work together with some of the local children fashion magazine companies and we want to hire someone that has a lot of experience in working with kids for the chief editor position. Is there anything on the resume that shows that Ms. Mattten has experience in this area?

A) Yes. She worked at Collingwood Elementary School as an art teacher in 2012.


직책을 이야기 할 때

as a/an 직책(이력서) -> He/she worked at 회사명 as a/an 직책 

the + 직책 


Q10) Can you tell me all the details about her work experience?

A) Yes, First, from 2015 to 2017, she worked at Jasper Fashion Magazine as a director. Next, from 2017 up to now, she has worked at Toronto Fashion Magazine as a chief editor.


탬플릿 익히기

From 시작일 to 종료일, he/she worked at 회사명 as 직책

From 시작일 up to now, he/she has worked at 회사명 as 직책

She has worked at (과거부터 지금까지 일해왔다.)


기타 능력

I think he/she is qualified because ~

He/She is fluent in 언어명 -> ~~ 언어에 유창하다

She is certified in pilates. -> 그녀는 필라테스 자격증이 있습니다.

She is certified by 기관

She has a certificate(썰티피킷) -> 그녀는 자격증이 잇습니다.

He has experience in education



문제풀이(4) - 면접 일정표


Q8) When and where will the interview be held?

A) It will be held on May 5th in Conference Room 3C.


Q9) I heard that that I'm supposed to interview Sandra Vincent at 11:30 am. Is that correct?

A) No, actually, there was supposed to be an interview with Sandra Vincent(at 11:30 am) but it has been canceled.


~와의 회의: a meeting with 사람

~와의 면접: an interview with 사람


Q10) Can you tell me about all the details of the applicants applying for the sales manager position? 

A) Yes. First, from 9:30 to 10:00 am, there is an interview with Julia Colins from Best systems. Second, from 10:30 to 11:00 am, there is an interview with Jason Morris from ST Corporation.


탬플릿 익히기



You will interview 사람

ex) You will interview Jessica  Anderson at 9:00 am


There is an interview with 사람 from 회사

ex) There is an interview with John White from Eco Electronics.



He/she has 00 years of experience.


지원 직책

He/she is applying for the editor position.

apply for = ~에 지원하다.



문제풀이(5) - 수업시간표


Q8) How much should I pay for the bowling courses?

A) If you are a member, it's free. But, if you are not a member, it's 30 dollars per class.


Q9) As far as I know, Jake Lee will be teaching Professional Bowling course. Is that right?

A) NO, actually, David williams will teach Professional Bowling course.


Q10) I'm very interested in David William's classes. Can you tell me about all the classes taught by David William?

A) Yes. There are two classes. First, from 9 am to 10 am, on Mondays(매주 월요일), there is Professional Bowling. Next, from 1 pm to 2 pm, on Thursdays, there is Advanced Bowling Skills.


탬플릿 익히기


금액, 등록

You have to pay 금액 for 강좌 (20 dollars for __ class.)

You should register by 등록 마감일(Jan. 3rd)

If you V, it's ~ dollars( If you are a member, It's free)


수업 소개

There is a 과목명 class/course (cooking class)

강사 will teach 과목명 class/course (Sean Kim will teach the cooking class)


Part 5 의견 말하기

준비시간 30초, 답변시간 60초


'문제에 대한 적절한 답변하기'

'15초 이내로 문제 해석 끝내기' + '이유 문장 생각하기'


경험 & 교육 테마 파트5 만능 문장

They can learn new things

They can have a lot of (new) experience and broaden their perspective.


채점 기준

1) 의견이 명확해야 한다. (두괄식)

2) 이유와 예시를 들어 주장을 확실히 뒷받침해줘야 한다.

3) 아이디어가 일관적이고 논리적으로 이어져야 한다.

4) 명료하게 전달되어야 한다.(문법적 실수 X, 무지성 영작 X) (어렵게 쓰려고 하는 강박관념을 버려라)

5) 외운 답변을 문제에 적절하지 않게 그대로 말하면 큰 실점이 된다.


만능 문장 변형

Q) What are the advantages of learning how to play musical instruments for teenagers?

A) They can learn new things -> Teenagers can learn new thing such as music skills.

-> They를 Teenagers로 바꿔준 후, '음악 능력과 같은'을 덧붙혀 구체화시킨다.


탬플릿 배우기

Q) What are the advantages of learning how to play musical instruments for teenagers?


서론) There are some advantages of N


연결문장) Let me explain why I think this way


이유1) Most of all, S + V

예시1) From my experience, when I was a teenager/college student/high school student

예시1) For me, it was very helpful because S + V


이유2) On top of that(게다가), S + V

예시2) According to a recent news report, the majority of 사람들 in Korea said that S + V

(사람들 자리엔 People, CEOs', Teenagers 등)


S + V에는 내가 주장하는 바를 말한다. 

1) 내가 주장하는 부분이 beneficial or important 

-> Learning how to play musical instruments is very beneficial

2) 문제에서 주장하는 바를 카피해서 말하고 두 번째 이유를 변형해서 근거로 제시한다.

-> There are many advantages of learning how to play musical instruments for teenagers.

+ Teenagers can have a lot of new experience and broaden their perspective


결론) Therefore I think this way. (생략 가능)


총 정리


(서론) There are some advantages of learning how to play musical instruments for teenagers.

(연결문장) Let me explain why I think this way.

(이유1) Most of all, teenagers can learn new things such as music skills.

(예시1) From my experience, when I was a teenager, I took piano lessons. For me, it was very helpful because I learned new thing such as piano skills and music skills.

(이유2) On top of that, teenagers can have a lot of new experiences and broaden their perspective.

(예시2) According to a recent news report, the majority of education experts in Korea said that learning how to play musical instruments is very beneficial for teenagers. because they can have a lot of new experience and broaden their perspective. (when they learn music)

(결론) Therefore I think this way.


밑과 같은 형태들도 가능하다.


서론 - 연결문장 -이유1 - 예시1 - On top of that + 예시2

서론 - 연결문장 - 이유1 - 예시1 - 이유2

서론 - 연결문장 - 이유1 - 예시1



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