경험, 교육
1. They can learn new things such as ~~ skills.
2. They can meet new people and expand their network.
3. They can have a lot of experience and broaden their perspective.
4. They can't make good decisions because they are not mature enough.
1. They will be distracted.
2. They can't focus on their studies / work.
3. They can't get good grades at school.
4. They can't work efficiently.
1. They can save money.
2. The cost living is too high.
3. They can't make a living.
4. I can get a high salary.
5. The cost of N is too expensive.
6. It's a waste of money.
1. I can focus better.
2. I will not be distracted by others.
3. I can have more freedom.
4. It's fun and entertaining.
1. It's more fun to do thing in a group.
2. It feels more like a family.
3. They can get information and share it with other people.
기술 장점
1. They can get a lot of useful information on the internet.
2. They can __ anytime anywhere on their smartphones.
3. It's faster and convinient.
기술 단점
1. There is a lot of inaccurate information on the internet. so, it's not reliable.
2. It is very distracting for me. so I can't focus on my studies / work.
3. It's a waste of money.
아날로그 장점
1. I can get responses right away.
2. I can understand the feeling of the speaker more accurately.
타인과 잘 지내는 능력
1. They can make a friendly atmosphere.
2. They can communicate with others better.
좋은 성품 / 조언자
1. They can have a good reputation.
2. They can be very influential.
3. They can motivate others.
4. They have a lot of experience.
5. They can give me some good advice.
지식 / 능력 / 재능
1. Everything iss always changing and there is a lot of competition.
2. They face a lot of challanges and difficulties.
3. He is able to handle a variety of situation due to his N.
업무 환경
1. Employees can work more efficiently and productively.
2. Employees can be more satisfied with their jobs.
3. It can make a better work environment.
기업 성공
1. Customers will feel satisfied and remain loyal.
2. It will attract more customers.
3. The business will be more successful.
스트레스, 건강
1. It relieves their stress and they can relax.
2. It is good for their physical/mental health.
3. It can develop healthy habits.
1. it is good for the environment.
2. Pollution is a serious issue these days.
3. It can make a cleaner environment.
4. We will be able to protect the environment.
5. That's a good investment.
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